关于「 mininginc」的内容列表

Cipher Mining Announces Acquisition of New Texas Mine, Signs 100 trillion-Watt Facility Expansion Agreement

Cipher Mining Inc. (NASDAQ: CIFR) announced that it has completed a transaction to acquire a new power plant in West Texas called Stingray for a $4.10 million cash payment and a variable fee of $1.50/MWh for the first five years after the plant is powered on. The 250-acre site has been approved and a facility expansion agreement of up to 100 trillion watts has been signed. Tyler Page, CEO of Cipher, said: "With the addition of this site, we now have a data platform that is scheduled to go live i...

2024-11-27 06:43:12
Cipher Mining宣布收购德克萨斯州新矿场,签署100兆瓦的设施扩建协议

Cipher MiningInc. (NASDAQ:CIFR) 宣布,它已完成一项交易,以410万美元的现金支付和该电厂通电后最初五年1.5美元/兆瓦时的浮动费用收购位于西德克萨斯州的一个名为Stingray的新电厂。该占地250英亩的场地已获得批准,并已签署高达100兆瓦的设施扩建协议。 Cipher首席执行官Tyler Page表示:“随着这个站点的加入,我们现在有一个计划于2026年投入使用的数据...

2024-11-27 06:43:12